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Getting by with a little HELP! from my friends

 (and various certifiable certified professionals and fellow inmates )

  Since we all need SUPPORT at least at some points in our lives  (usually OFTEN)  —   I am offering you something a bit different in today’s post. I have decided it would be thrilling for you to have a behind-the-scenes look at my life as a most-wanted-psychotherapist. Specifically I would like to share some never-before-revealed insights into who & what helps make my professional practice the spectacle that it is today



And so, without further ado,  I must begin with..


 The definitive *TME ~Who’s Who Gallery~ The Movers & Stalkers in the ~Fabulous World of Psychotherapy~! 

*Not to be confused with TMZ



MY  — Peer Supervision Group  —

27_riittaikonenhjorthbengt33safe_image (99)hMxbvE912562D2133




Who I affectionately refer to as my Beer Supervision Group 

Without these pillars of the most-wanted-psychotherapists community I would be completely and totally lost and devoid of anything resembling a shred of professional credibility or moral decency. From the bottom of my heart and depths of my soul {neither being long distances at all I’m told} I must  [as part of my probationary requirements] thank you one and all.

With Friends Like These…

The reason I affectionately refer to them as my Beer Supervision Group is because we have been know to have a little tipple now and then.  It helps the meetings along nicely and gets the creative-intellectual juices flowing so to speak.  And, it doesn’t hurt at all when it comes to dealing with those hostile neighbours in the adjacent office. They’re continually pounding on the walls, yelling at us to keep the noise down. Rude!  A few well chosen, therapeutically cathartic, profanities at the top of our lungs followed by bellows of laughter [all within the perfectly appropriate, context and  confines of the professional environment that is our shared office] silences them quickly enough.  Cheers!

 Here are a few of my group’s Therapist Profiles They were, recently and *unexplainably?? removed from Psychotherapy Today online magazine’s Therapist Profiles Directory

Another of life’s odd mysteries I suppose?



Profile # 666:  Madame XXXhMxbvE9

This Russian enchantress with a [very] private practice, commands a well-disciplined, take-no-prisoners, therapeutic approach — always getting this baby what she knows is best for her clients! Madame XXX is highly skilled and has a well-equipped working space . A little known fact: Madame was once the consort and apprenticed to, the much younger [she does like her clients young!] and well respected, Rasputin himself. Does she have some tales to tell!  Just ask her *clients  😉

Referrals: Madame XXX’s ideal client is male, tall, dark, long hair, under 30. Beards & tats a plus!

*Client contact and personal information list available on request

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Profile # 3.14159:  Something  For  Everyone (SFE)27_ikonenhjorthhalvar11

The perfect therapist for today’s L G B T T T I Q + A Z  {sorry if I missed anyone} communities.  SFE  exemplifies the perfect balance of Yang / Yin  and masculine / feminine  qualities  all therapists should embody, personify and *model for their clients — which SFE always does {several times per session in fact!}One can only put this photogenic therapist’s  clients’ protestations down to their own fears and insecurities. We are in the 21st Century are we not — Caitlyn Jenner is on the cover of Vanity Fair for heaven’s sake!

Get with it people!!

*Not many potential clients know that SFE actually did model professionally before becoming a most-wanted-therapist. A background that can only enhance one’s practice — the things learned in that business!

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Profile # 1+2=3:  Forget ~ Me ~ Not  {FME}xE6TmmD

This Femme Fatale  will mesmerize you with her hypnotic gaze. She  l~u~r~e~s  clients in – and keeps them coming back for more – with her seductive {some say questionable – I say creative} therapeutic interventions.  Once caught in her web{site} there is no escape.

Area  of  Experteaze 
referred to as Couples Work
| {FME likes to frame it as Threesomes Work}
| 1 therapist + 2 clients = 3 X the therapeutic catharsis*

                                                                            *Talk about myofascial release!                                                                      _________________________

 ~Musical Interlude 1~ CABARET ~ Two Ladies


And, before I forget, I promised to mention these upcoming workshops co-facilitated by the above 3 Highly Qualified Sensuality Therapists

Not To Be Missed!



S e n s u a l l y ~ A c t i v e ~ P e r s o n s (SAPs)

Their Workshops do Fill Quickly

 So Book your space soon!  CALL NOW!

SEN.SUA.LITY / 736.782.5489

 ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

URGENT Request: would one of you gentle readers out there please, once-and-for-all, explain to me one more time the terms and parameters of  stereotyping’  and  ‘political incorrectness‘  — before I get myself in trouble yet again… sigh.  The demands to keep up with constantly changing socio-political mindsets in this profession are all but intolerable. I mean really — can’t folks just make up their minds and have done with it !!  



No post would be complete without including more about me – my faithful followers insist — they just can’t get enough!  (Some say cultish …I say loyal.)

ikonenhjorthexhibitionsandnesHere’s another shot of me – looking quite unaffectedly butch. It must be the background rocks that add to my ruggedness. I’m not one to complain (much… or at least very often) but those rocks were a bugger to break;  those pick axes they provide are quite useless.

 ~Musical Interlude 2~ Chain Gang of Love  the Ravonettes

Enough of those fond memories! As I continually remind all those annoying, litigious clients – memories really cannot be trusted or relied upon at all – (hmmm… memories,  I sense another post in the making).

In contrast to the masculinity I naturally exude, I am unafraid to expose, explore & employ my  feminine attributes as can be seen here. 27_riittaikonenhjorthbengt33 The open fields surrounding the penitentiary in that shot [I was, ah… visiting a client] are very picturesque. The perfect spot for a photo-shoot. I’ll show you the rest of my mugshots portfolio in another post. 

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

, I feel like I’ve been on Facebook all day
what with posting all these pictures, links and announcements of cherished friends, loved ones… (and others). Speaking of fb; it was  downright abusive how  I was banned from that dreadful site — another complete fabrication on their part. Some  people cannot discern Art from …uh,  other  imagery  or friendly chit-chat from libel.  Anyways, who needs them. I have this lovely blog to wile away my days sitting here in this cozy little 8 x 10 cell room. Plus I have the ever congenial Bubba to keep me company.

Oh, he’s looking at me in that way again. I do wish he wouldn’t, that’s really not the kind of  SUPPORT  I’m looking for right now,

then again…?

~Musical Interlude 3~

Confidentiality Notice
: there has been much too much emphasis placed on client-therapist confidentiality of  late. Please feel free to disseminate all information freely and share my URL < > far and wide.  Increased readership and followers is a good thing 🙂