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  “What, Me Worry?”


                                                                                                                                                         Worry is:

Doing nothing about something  

                              ~ JoAnne Greenham
{miss you}
_____ * * * _____


*⊄ –  is not a subset of    
&    ≠ –  is not equal to

_____ * * * _____

Hey All

I think today’s offering has more questions for you than it does insights or understandings on my part.  Largely because it is only you that can ultimately answer these kinds of questions.  We can certainly share our experiences with one another:

– as honestly and openly as we possible can –


…we cannot fully and completely answer such personally subjective questions, satisfactorily enough for another person. That is up to each of us individually.


Once we have answered some of those questions for  our self we {hopefully} choose our THOUGHTS, words and deeds a little more carefully as we   navigate our way through our relationships and the world.    Hopefully


When you know better, you do better
                                     ~ Maya Angelou

…and maybe worry a little less?
                                              ~ TME 🙂


Above I have capitalized the word THOUGHTS;

I believe that’s where it all begins  With Our THOUGHTS

OK, so maybe here is some of my opinion |insight | understanding on this.

I do believe that we create ourselves and most of the world around us
~ people, events, conditions, our feelings and most other things;

and that process Begins with

 our thoughts

I say MOST of our reality because I suspect {worry?} I might open a whole bag of worms if I say ALL of our reality.

Why would I create my own pain & suffering you ask?”

Well, that is not what this post is about; or the reality that I wish to create Here-Now-in this Present Moment of Time & Space

My choice |My Creation

How you wish to view/perceive this is up to you.
AND,  that makes me happy.
You get to perceive it the way you LIKE to & WANT to.  Go for it!
As I type away here, the thought of That makes me Happy!
I am happy that you get to choose your thoughts feelings and perceptions.
Thanks for choosing to be here with me.

And I am fully aware that lots of weird and wonderful |and not so wonderful| things can and do happen when our individual and collective choices  meet one another. I’m sure we’ll get around to some of those things in future posts dear reader.


Okay… time to stop TME! I can hear myself getting maudlin? Schmaltzy?
Certainly something ~ Not sure what? | but enough already


I am allowed to go there once in a while you know. I allow myself to go there once in a while. Maybe that’s part of NOT WORRYING for me?

Letting myself GO-There.

Am I giving myself permission, without self-judgment, in those moments??

I guess some might call it looking at the world through rose-coloured-glasses.

Can I choose to worry/or not?

Easier said than done when I’m in the thick of it!

What, me worry?

~ Alfred E. Neuman*

Choice & Worry.  Where do they intersect?

For me that’s another subjective question only I can answer?
I’m sure an academic|scientific research study could be (and probably has been) done on the subject.

My therapeutic interest tends to lean more towards your, personal, subjective answer(s):


annd how do you FEEL about all of that?
~ TME {therapist}


Our THOUGHTSgiven enough attention and air-time, end up becoming our BELIEFS. One way of looking at our Beliefs is imaging them as a lens through which we view the world. If we look at the world from one end of a telescope it appears large | from the other end all appears small.    Perspective.
So, we can CHOOSE our THOUGHTS> create> BELIEFS and   Choose How we see the world.   Perspective.


I know that’s simplistic.
And, at this point I don’t embarrass too easily {in most situations anyway};
So, it’s ok to call me simplistic.
I’ve been called worse. Much!

I believe that’s how we create reality  (R e a l l y heavy huh!)

 H e a  v y  Man …Yahman…  that’s really heavy
–  Cheech

~or.. it coulda been Chong maan …can’t really remember… brain cells and all,   ya kn o  ww..        ..     .          m   aa   a  nnn   nn           n

 NOW!  …{wake up!}

… from the ridiculous to the sublime;

This Vlog by Roberto Blake inspired me to do this piece on Worry.

I had no idea what my next post was going to be  about; and that’s a cause for worry for me,
when I would get it finished and posted. When too much time passes I worry about that too. Will I disappoint or be perceived as unreliable?  …sigh 


…look how things turned out! I got my inspiration, I got this posted in a timely manner. There was never really anything to worry about.

Maybe Alfred* was right after all?


I really like many of the things Roberto says about his worries, and worry in general, in his emotionally generous Vlog. He says a lot of other things as well == and I think they all come together to make a statement about how we all live with and handle worry. Thanks Roberto, much appreciated

Roberto Blake | Create Awesome