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Goals Reboot

Goals Reboot published on


Goals Reboot

Back in August of 2015, I wrote a piece called Dreams, Desires and Goals. I discussed how I always felt like the odd-man-out in our goal-oriented, know-where-you’re-going and plan-plan-plan culture; especially our career and business culture. It was my own odd-man-out feeling and my resistance/discomfort to this whole over-organised approach to living that prompted me to write it.

And that’s really saying something for me! I’m a big time planner, let’s ‘think-things-through’ kinda guy;

i.e. over controlling ~ over cautious &  action averse   {hey, we’re all something, right?}

I didn’t write it because I felt there was a ‘need’ of some kind floating around in the collective consciousness that had to be addressed — and, by golly, I was just the guy to do it! It was inner, gut discomfort inspired | not outer, reactionary {well, maybe a little} motivated.  I really had trepidation that I might be judged harshly by going against the grain by even suggesting that goals were not quite as important as we all might think.

Since then I have come to realize that I do indeed have goals – goals that I was just unaware of. I have (the less popular) emotional goals, rather than (the very familiar) career, business, money, let’s-take-action(any action!)-and-move-things-forward kind of goals. One is not better than the other. Both are needed. I guess we’re all just trying to find the perfect balance between the 2 – and that’s such an individual, personal thing now isn’t it? Don’t you agree?
{Now, am I not being the good diplomatic, non-committal therapist that you all know me to be?}

Also, since then, I recently came across THIS! 

Stop Overplanning: The Psychology of Why Excessive Goal-Setting Limits Our Happiness and Success

 Uncertainty is where things happen. It is where the opportunities — for success, for happiness, for really living — are waiting.   – Maria Popova 

Did you hit the link and read it? 


Not only was I right in trusting the instinctive discomfort in my gut, but it turns out there is psychological reasoning and evidence to support it!

AAAnnnd  there are even books written about it…

The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking51H98Ks9tXL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

51Ga8160+TL._SX341_BO1,204,203,200_Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life


Now, TME is certainly not one to say,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ‘I told you so’,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     so I’ll just {kindly} say…




                                                                                                                                                      So there!