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Therapy Made Easy

Therapy Made Easy published on


Therapy Made Easy?
mmm hmmm

Well, it at least got your attention.

Unfortunately, therapy has had a bad rap. For most of us, making the decision to start therapy begins with something unpleasant – an event, a feeling, a ‘something’. It’s usually about something that needs to be ‘fixed’ in our life – or in our selves. I won’t list what those un-pleasantries are in this post  because it’s hard enough trying to keep your attention without talking about things like grief, loss, anger, anxiety, fear and abandonment. Shall I go on? Yes — death, debt, illness, pain, the state of the world, Donald Trump’s hair (bad hair in general – totally unnecessary!) resentment, hopelessness, depression, bad tv, bad acting.  OMG –  please run me a hot bath…and where are my razor blades?

Contrary to popular belief, (and maybe/possibly a little experience here and there) not all therapy is painfully cathartic, existentially, angst and anxiety ridden doom and gloom.

Although we therapists do try our best 🙂

I am shooting for some content in The TME BLOG that is at least a little useful to you guys  (please let me know how I’m doing as we go along – via my CONTACT page). Believe it or not, for all you novice {but curious}, and both current and future therapists and clients out there, there are actually times in our personal therapeutic/self-growth endeavours – even in the sanctity of the  client-therapist relationship – when we do occasionally (hopefully) have at least a smile, if not an all-out tear inducing belly-laugh, at the human condition we all share called Life. Was that a run-on sentence?

I’m not one for making promises (not that TME has any commitment issues!… or identity issues). That being said, it is nonetheless, my/TME‘s hope and intention to bleed out 1 or 2 of these posts a week (or month) on a regular (or semi-regular) basis. There! I’ve put it out there and said it!

Now we think we need to go and call our therapist.

Yours in (very) mild anxiety,


…and me