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A 3 Step Exercise

A 3 min. read

       If you believe…

\\   as Nokola Tesla, A. Einstein, TME and many others do   //

(a) everything (including you) is made of vibrating energy

&  that
(b)  if you can tune in to, or align yourself with, the same vibrational frequency of what it is you desire, then you create/manifest that desired thing within yourself and/or in your life

(c) this little 3-step exercise is for you!

Specifically, in this exercise we will focus on emotional manifestation

Step 1 Pick an Emotion

Let’s start by writing down one emotion that you want to feel more often, more deeply, more fully, more …just more of!

Here are some examples and ideas of some often desired emotions to get you started:

Abundance / Happiness / Ease / Excitement / Freedom / Gratitude / Love / Peace

Pick one that is important to you right now – you don’t have to use one from my list of examples.
For more inspiration you can check out the Emotion Wheel at the bottom of this post 

And, if one doesn’t readily come to mind you can try this…

Take a few moments, close your eyes, let your inner awareness shift downwards into your body (which is where you feel your emotions) and ask inwardly what emotion you would like to experience more of. Don’t think about it – just wait, listen inwardly, and something will naturally come into your awareness.

Later, when you become practised and satisfied with developing this emotion, you can experiment with as many emotions as you like – whenever you want.

Step 2Re_ _ _ _   

Remember / Recall / Recreate / Revisit / Re-experience / Re-imagine / Re-imprint / Re-feel / Realize / Realign

Remember a time when you felt this emotion you want more of.
Revisit a time when you felt it very intensely.
Close your eyes and see yourself back in this time and place. Imagine you are there NOW. What is happening? Is there anyone else there – who? What are you feeling?
What do you See? Hear? Smell? Touch? Taste? Use all your senses.
Recall details – make it real – NOW.

Not to label, categorize or stereotype anyone…however
often Step 2 comes quite easily to us ~dreamers~creatives~artists~’space-cadets’~
~ {yes, I’m including myself here} ~
and might take a bit more practice for more |
‘real-world’|thinking| and or |grounded| folks
…just sayin’

Stay with this experience as long as easily and comfortably possible. Enjoy your desired emotion as much as you possibly can – let it sink into every cell of your body. Luxuriate & Bask in it.

As you are doing this understand that YOU ARE consciously, actively, purposefully, CREATING the emotion that you want to feel. You are aligning yourself with it.

Write down all the remembered details and experiences you felt in Step 2. You may even recall some added details in the writing. You can return to what you have written whenever you wish to initiate this emotional experience again. As often as you like. You can’t have too much of a good emotion 🙂

Step 3 – Pick Another Good Emotion…

                Repeat Steps 1 & 2       

The more you practice this exercise the more skilled and faster you become.
The more you practice, the better you feel – the better you feel, the more you will want to practice.

You will be surprised at how quickly you will be able to change your mood and how you feel emotionally. You will then have an experiential understanding of how you control your emotions — they do not control you.


Eventually it will become easier and easier for you to evoke and choose a given emotion.


I’m guessing that even after just reading this exercise you have already started to tap into some feel-good, wanted emotions.

Now think how powerful you will be by actually practising!






just sayin’ 🙂     


NOTE:  Keep in mind that if there is an unwanted emotion you too often feel it may be because you have practised it many times, habitually, unconsciously. Pay attention and see if this might be true for you. 

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