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I Vant to be Alone | NOT

I Vant to be Alone | NOT published on





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You Know!  

Yes, YOU!


In August of this year Wayne Dyer [1940 – 2015]   – author, speaker, self-help/spiritual teacher – translated from his physical body. I remember {despite being incredibly young: an infant practically } receiving a copy of his WayneDyerByPhilKonstantin.jpg1st book – one of the top selling books of all time – Your Erroneous Zones. I also remember never finishing it; I couldn’t quite ‘get into it’.It was 1976 — I was probably waay too young to be reading such a book and it was probably way over my head… me being sooo young and all. It didn’t resonate with me { I love that word ~ R e s o n a t e ~ }

You know when you’re reading something and it’s just not making sense in your brain. Not because it’s poorly written or bad in any way; it’s just not computing for some unknown reason.  Despite that I nevertheless realized that there were  some things in his book that were at least ‘trying’ to speak to me and that was probably of interested to me. Timing | context | the phase of the moon | the girl next door 😉 / and the boy on the other side 😉 | not to mention my tender age.  Well, I never returned to that book to find out what those things were.  The End. I hope you liked my post.

 KIDDING,    just kidding …TME does like to tease 🙂

I did go on to  have many wonderful reading experiences that  resonated, opened my eyes, my mind and my heart in many very exciting ways. Too many to start speaking of here and, that is not what this post is about.  It’s about ‘We Are Not Alone” just like the title says.

I’m pretty sure it’s not a stretch to say that most of us had times, especially difficult times, when we felt no one could possible understand |or resonate | with what we were going through and we felt incredibly alone.

Just a couple of months. years… decades ago {time does so fly by!} I participated in a weekly Systems Centred Therapy group that I really enjoyed. Group members would talk about either acute or chronic difficulties, issues, struggles, unpleasantness, etc. — whatever was occurring for them. That was the least interesting part of the group. The exciting part for me was how we were guided (by the facilitator) to connect with one another via how we FELT about our experiences.  It was also very exciting that nothing was unacceptable as a topic of discussion – NOTHING! [use your imagination reader].  Like I said – talking about stuff ~ not too interesting or, more importantly, helpful. It was connecting with each other emotionally that brought us into resonance {there’s that wonderful word again} and had us feeling less alone/more understood, more connected. aaaahhhhh/sigh…and able to relax just a little more = well-being = peaceful even!

A given in most | if not all | psychotherapeutic approaches is that everyone  wants to be seen, heard and understood. It gives us that very human, good feeling of being connected and loved. And, for better and worse:  belonging, being a part of others,  family, community, society, culture, the earth, the universe …and beyond.

We all have our favourite books, speakers, teachers. It’s so exhilarating and meaningful when we come upon someone who ‘gets it’/gets us and understands things the same as us.  Or at least  gets it/us ‘enough‘. We automatically feel less alone.

Sometimes enough just has to be enough | that’s as good as it gets.

I know, I know we want it to be perfect →


 you complete me

{excuse me while I go throw up}
BOY! – there’s something in that statement  that’s worth a post!
I’ll give it some thought after my tummy settles.

Does it have to be ‘perfect‘? And, more importantly, CAN it ever be perfect?


…does our incessant demand for others to be perfect

{according to our own illusory standard of perfection}’
only just drive them away and alienate us all further?

After all is said and done , is the ‘perfection‘ we seek only, ultimately  found within ourselves?

= being in |alignment|resonance|love| with our SELF =


So my tenacious, unstoppable {and brave}  reader what is it like for you to know and accept yourself?

Take a moment | Close your eyes | ~B R E A T H E~~~ 
FEEL How and Where it Lands Inside of You | In your Body


We are ALL learning|unfolding|digesting|integrating|exploring|teaching ourself|wanting to|actually|kindly|patiently|continually|forever| deepening our love and self-acceptance                           FOREVER

How does that feel right now for you?


 OK, enough!

– you can stop me here — it’s the therapist in me …I just can’t help myself. I feel like Jim Carrey in The Mask


Speaking of Mr. Carrey – we went to the same High School. True story. I didn’t know him well . If I remember correctly he was many years my senior   …if I remember correctly…       Anyways, enough reminiscing

And this brings me back to Mr. Dyer. I recently came across his list of …

10 Symptoms of Inner Peace

I love this list. It alters my 1st, and up till now, initial impression of him (or his book at least).  Maybe this is the kind of stuff I couldn’t take in way back when {being soo young and all}?

I find each symptom listed here worth meditating/contemplating on. 

What makes it worth it? The ‘worth‘ is that they help me feel good; and help me nurture and expand that good feeling.

So without further ado ,

  • 1. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences

  • 2. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment

  • 3. A loss of interest in judging other people

  • 4. A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others

  • 5. A loss of interest in conflict

  • 6. A loss of the ability to worry

  • 7. Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation

  • 8. Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature

  • 9. Frequent attacks of smiling

  • 10. An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it

    Of particular interest, related to today’s post is #
    8. Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature

    What symptoms of Inner Peace are you experiencing?       *P l e a s e*  feel  free to  Share


    after all,

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    on this Site 

    You Know!  

    Yes, YOU!



    Whoever said TME was ever pushy was just resisting some good advice — in my well-informed, therapeutic opinion